Friday, 15 May 2009

Be Naughty

I was browsing a website earlier when I noticed the advert across the top of the page.  This is it:  

Edit:  Bum, the format of this page cuts it in half.  Link to see it properly:

I was a bit shocked, but I suppose that's pretty naive of me- there's a website out there for everything, I guess.  But for some reason I find this one of the more distasteful things online...the idea that someone would use a company dedicated to finding someone to cheat on your partner with.  That someone would CREATE a company dedicated to finding someone to cheat on your partner with!  

I suppose, really, that if someone's going to cheat, they'll cheat.  Then again, if that's the case, why does such a website need to exist?  You could use any dating website around, surely...

*Sigh*  I think I'm overly emotional, because this made me really sad.

PS.  Hi guys.  Sorry for the lack of presence recently- essays then revision and now exams.  But I have been reading, even if I haven't been posting!