Friday, 26 March 2010


[Old person rant]

Mephedrone is all over the news at the moment, because some people have died as a result of taking it as a recreational drug. A quick Google will provide you with all the heart-rending interviews with distraught parents that you could ever need on the subject.

The whole thing is driving me up the bloody wall. There's all these young people saying "it should be made's legal so obviously you think it's safe to take". It's legal as a PLANT FERTILISER! You don't walk into Tesco, buy a bottle of bleach, drink it and then wonder why you're rather ill and complain that it's legal so you thought it was okay to drink.

This bloody nanny state (apologies for such a Tory catchphrase) is ridiculous! Why on earth should we waste money passing a law to classify a plant fertiliser as a class B drug? Are people that lacking in common sense that they think it's sensible to consume toxic chemicals? Obviously the answer is yes, otherwise it wouldn't be all over the news. I've just come to the point where I feel people should take a little more responsibility for their actions and stop blaming someone else.

[/Old person rant]

I realise I only blog these days to whinge about something-or-other, sorry! I am here and I am still reading :) - in a non-creepy way!