Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Ugly Day

I'm having an Ugly Day. This has led to me not feeling like going to see my grandparents, to me snapping at a shop assistant who asked me for ID (fair enough, I probably don't look 21, though I like to think I might look 18), and to me generally feeling annoyed and pissed off.

There are direct correlations between me having an Ugly Day and the following factors...whether or not I've bothered to dry/straighten my hair properly, how much makeup I've got on, and what I'm wearing. Like many girls, I reeeeally can't be arsed to put on full slap in the mornings etc, and this morning I went for a run and when I showered I just wanted to relax, not put on makeup and spend time drying my hair nicely. Plus,. it's raining, so there's not much point anyway!

When I have Ugly Days, people often tell me I look fine, and actually, they're probably being honest. I'm a firm believer that we notice our own flaws far more than anyone else does (which is why only about 2 people know what it is that I hate most about my appearance...if everyone knew, they'd all notice it all the time). But should my appearance really contribute to my mood that much? After all, beauty is only skin deep, right? And I'm not going to magically become Disney-Princess-beautiful just because I put a bit more makeup on or because I straighten my hair. But the point is, it does affect how I feel about myself, and other people, and I can feel very tense and uncomfortable if I feel I look ugly.

Do boys have Ugly Days? Are theirs worse because they generally lack the arsenal of concealer, eyeshadow, powder, mascara, lip gloss, and my new genie-in-a-bottle, Lip Plump (Benefit, go buy, go buy!)? Or does appearance only affect me in this way?!

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you.


Anonymous said...

OH GOD I HATE ugly days. Days when I couldn't work out what I wanted to wear, or haven't had time to wash my hair the night before and blowdry it. Yes, definitely know the feeling.

Anonymous said...

Right... where to start, ok am i one of the 2 that know? cos i know one thing? if its that then i will tan your hide (i will enjoy it too ;) ....moving on).

second i have never seen you look ugly dear so i wouldnt worry on that front (or back even, you do have a nice ass too)

as for blokey ugly days... mine all join togeter as a rule, i rarely have days where i feel hot lol. on the other hand i know waht you mean so i guess we are the same its just we dont tend to talk about it, guys dont like showing any sign of not thinking they are gods gift to women (as a rule).

anything else...... hmmmm....... oh yeah... when you coming to visit me?!

ooh and also the link i posted, so reminds me about some nights at home lol.

Claire Routh said...

No, Ben, you don't know.

And my point is that it isn't whether one actually IS ugly or not, but that one still feels that way.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who has been having an 'ugly day' for the past 2 years. She simply won't believe she's attractive and I have to say after 2 years I've gotten quite bored - I just have to hold my tongue which is everso hard!

That said, ugly days are awful. It's quite amazing that they have the power to make you feel so ubberly awful and rubbish and generally down in the dumps, I can empathise hugely.

It's that old gem, if you think you look good, you feel good :o)

Claire Routh said...

Ah yes, I know what you mean...the general truth is that most people aren't repulsively ugly! And I get very frustrated with people who insist that they're ugly and fat and ugly and fat and ugly all the time.

Anonymous said...

I get ugly days/weeks/months. I just ignore them and go about my business as usual. I'm geenrally not out to look amazing as I never expect to, so it's just life as normal!