We made purple satin curtains to replace the monstrosities that were originally in our living room (see photo on top above), my room is full of my stuff (see photo above), I have amazing new shoes (almost hidden under chest of drawers in photo above)...they're midnight blue with fuckme heels; I'm not usually a shoes girl (see very expensive trainers next to fuckme shoes in photo above) but these are beautiful. I am in love! We also made three collages out of cards we'd been given, cuttings from magazines, and my photos:
(Forgot to take a photo of the third one, but you get the idea!)
We have worked our way through a little over a litre of Bombay Sapphire, copious quantities of tonic, ice, and limes, several bottles of wine, and a hell of a lot of pasta (our oven is broken so we're restricted to things we can cook on the gas hob). We have flowers and candles and cushions and internet! We have a home phone number. Our sofa is purple. I have learnt to love tea and often switch on the kettle before doing anything else after walking through the door. We have Hotel Chocolat house dark chocolate Batons on the coffee table. We have cheesecake. We have local cider and cobnuts. I joined a gym! Today we went to Choral Evensong at the cathedral and the anthem was Nimrod "Lux Aeterna" from Enigma Variations by Elgar (seriously, nothing could have made me happier).
Last Saturday we had a big night out when my friend Sophie came to visit (along with my housemate's boyfriend, who is a permanent resident on weekends). Cosmopolitans FTW:
(Could I look much happier?! And yes, the bar (Boudoir Bar, it's beautiful) had run out of Cosmopolitan glasses.)
For all this happiness, it hasn't all been marshmallows and blue skies. My first week was bloody hard, and yesterday the Black Cloud crashed down on me far heavier than I expected. My doctor suspects I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but wants to rule out Diabetes first with a fasting blood test (which will be on Wednesday). I have buggered up my knee and I'm not sure how though I suspect the blame lies with the resistance training I've been doing with weights at the gym. So that's my half marathon training set back for a while. Lovelife-wise it hasn't been great either. I realised I'd been messing someone around a bit and had to hurt him. Which sucks. Cruel to be kind, I guess, but I feel royally rubbish about it. And on top of that, it's all very well being sensible and grownup and recognising that life isn't a fairytale, and some things just couldn't work however much you wanted them to, and that it's impossible to know how someone feels, and that it's bloody difficult to tell the truth about how you feel...it's all very well to know these things, and to be these things...but sometimes I feel like Carrie in SATC... I’m looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love.
But hey ho. It's not all bad and I'm actually quite content with how it's all panned out. Plus, I had an excuse to quote xkcd, which, even though I didn't mean it seriously, is always a good thing!
I feel okay.
How are you?
That jade green wallpaper in Boudoir Bar is gorgeous! I've not come acrosst that place before, where is it?
You can never fail when it comes to purple - I think it's simply divine! :oD
You're making me miss Canterbury and all I had there madly. I didn't think I would so much but I miss having my own house with friends and talking crap infront of the tv we're not really watching and making chocolate brownies - which we did a lot and yelling up the stairs to see if anyone wants a cup of tea and yelling across the hallway because we're too lazy to walk to the room next door. Funny how you remember such seemingly trivial things.
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, is there anything that can be done about CFS, do you know? Half marathon training eh? Mad woman! My brother in law did the Great North Run today - quite an achievement, I'll do it someday too.
This reply has turned quite huge but I've really enjoyed reading this for some reason. Thanks :o)
Boudoir Bar is next to the Merchant Chandler...kind of near the Marlowe Theatre? It's furnished amazingly, much like...a boudoir, unsurprisingly!
I'm heartbroken I'll only be living here a year- my housemate Rosie will want to move back to Brighton with her boyfriend when we graduate...but I shall enjoy it while I can. I hated first year, second year was better, so I'm going to try to enjoy my third year as much as I can, because you're right, it's the trivial things I'll miss.
My best friend had CFS a while ago and had to take a year out of college- I'm nowhere near as bad as her, assuming it IS CFS, but I think rest is the key, and I'm dreading them telling me to stop training for the half (http://www.sussexbeacon.org.uk/halfmarathon/index.html it's that one, btw). Well done to your BIL! What time did he do it in? I was watching some of it on tv.
Yet again, blogger has inexplicably disallowed me to publish my previous comment...
Anyway, I like the rooms, very homely. I like blogs like these, it's like peering into the window of your life... interesting to see how prominent SEX is on the collage, lol.
Not so good about the other stuff, but swings and roundabouts and all that. Hope the doctors went okay, keep us updated :)
I have a good feeling about third year. It's going to be alright.
Yet again, blogger has inexplicably disallowed me to publish my previous comment...
Anyway, I like the rooms, very homely. I like blogs like these, it's like peering into the window of your life... interesting to see how prominent SEX is on the collage, lol.
Not so good about the other stuff, but swings and roundabouts and all that. Hope the doctors went okay, keep us updated :)
I have a good feeling about third year. It's going to be alright.
Either not at all, or twice in a row.
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