Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The One

I don't believe in The One.  It annoys me when other people do, and give me pitying looks.

Maybe I'm the one who's wrong!  Maybe I deserve the pitying looks...



Jenny said...

Nor do I, really.

You certainly don't deserve pitying looks - an outlook which doesn't feature Just One Person as being perfect for you surely is more optimistic becuase there's many people out there that one could potentially meet and have a good life with and be happy with.

I'm considering marrying my flatmate becuase we know we'd just work, forever, for years, and be blissfully happy in a funny sort of a way...!

And every guy I've really fallen for I have, at some point, thought, yes, maybe that's You - but since it always happens, it can't be true. Does that make sense?


Anonymous said...

I find the concept of The One quite scary. If there is only one person in this world who we are destined for, what are the chances of a) meeting them, and b) the circumstances working out? So what 'e said, basically!

And without saying that people should settle for something that obviously isn't working, is always searching for perfection in the form of The One really a healthy attitude to take?

Jenny said...

Finally got around to watching taht video (oh it's nice to be back at home where the INTERNET ACTUALLY WORKS) and it, well, Yes. Exactly. What 'e said.