Both places are places where I feel comfortable. Both contain people I love. I eat and drink and sleep at both.
One is technically my home, the other is technically not. Consequently, neither feels right anymore. I know all the adages, all the turns-of-phrases...home is where the heart is, wherever I lay my hat (that's my home), etc etc etc. What makes your home your home?
PS. Hi, sorry I haven't been around much. Bad Claire.
For me its still a case of 'home is where my parents are'. I grew up here (partially) and this is where I can come to just forget the rest of the world :)
Hello again!
Home is often used as a word of convienience. "I'll text you when I get home" applies whichever direction I'm travelling in, in whichever place I'm staying at the moment. However, Home the actual place is hometown, where I have my homefriends and where I go when I go home for christmas. I miss Home.
Home is, to me, where I feel comfortable. I feel comfortable quite easily so there was a stage where I got that 'home' feeling from no less than four different houses - my house at university, my parents' place, my boyfriend's, and my best friend back in Old Home Town. But at the same time I was a nomad, and however comfortable you might feel in a place you never feel fully settled unless you expect to be actively based there for a proper while. So I guess it's partly about feeling 'at home', but actually being there in a reasonably long term future is, in the end, equally as important. Honestly, I don't know. I don't expect to have just one 'home' until I get out of uni and get settled down. To be honest, I don't really expect to be fully grounded in one place until I am putting down roots, getting married, and having children...!! Because in part it is about family - although for many people 'family' can be as much about really strong friendships that give you the same support network... .
Home is where you feel most complete - a place where you don't feel the need to worry about the stresses of the day. Kind of sounds like you merely have to living quarters. Is there a place you spend time and not worry?
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