Friday, 15 May 2009

Be Naughty

I was browsing a website earlier when I noticed the advert across the top of the page.  This is it:  

Edit:  Bum, the format of this page cuts it in half.  Link to see it properly:

I was a bit shocked, but I suppose that's pretty naive of me- there's a website out there for everything, I guess.  But for some reason I find this one of the more distasteful things online...the idea that someone would use a company dedicated to finding someone to cheat on your partner with.  That someone would CREATE a company dedicated to finding someone to cheat on your partner with!  

I suppose, really, that if someone's going to cheat, they'll cheat.  Then again, if that's the case, why does such a website need to exist?  You could use any dating website around, surely...

*Sigh*  I think I'm overly emotional, because this made me really sad.

PS.  Hi guys.  Sorry for the lack of presence recently- essays then revision and now exams.  But I have been reading, even if I haven't been posting!


Flitterbee said...

It's like those books on how to do adultery without getting caught. The website seems somewhat ironic - be honest about the fact that you're looking to cheat!

It's interesting that you seem to work the opposite to many in the face of exams/essays and the like - I find that is usually the time my blog comes in most useful :P

Claire said...

I am still addicted to Facebook, though!

Lucy said...

I remember a blog of Callan's on a similar theme. I'm afraid that I still hold the same views on it as I did then...

(PS. *waves*)

Callan said...

There was something about marriage or something wasn't it...*searches*!C3873E7BB2E2AE28!1606.entry

That was the old one, looks like your ad is on a similar theme but without the stricture of marriage necessary to engage!

@ flix: I too tend to write an amount proportional to the amount of work I am supposed to be doing...

Anonymous said...

I knew I remembered a similar post, but I could be certain you've done one too, Claire, ages back?

It is very sad, though.

@Flix/Callan - yup. Me too. Currently I'm posting often more than once a day, which is frankly disgusting and unnecessary, BUT it has got me thinking about things I wouldn't necessarily think about, once in a while, when I'm not moaning about smoking, being a total emo, or otherwise bitching about whatever-it-is-in-my-life-that's-got-to-me-this-time... which is good, yes...?


Flitterbee said...

disgusting? Unusual choice of word for the context.

Anonymous said...

It was hyperbole, in mimicry of my old choir conductor who none of you know about... never mind!!

Jenny xxx

Flitterbee said...

essays, then revision, then what's your excuse? :P

Claire said...

I know, shame on me! I was only thinking the other day that I should blog, and I had a damn good idea too, but then I forgot it. Actually, my blogging habits are in direct relation to my relationship status. Sad, that. I shall return!

Anonymous said...

To be honest,I agree. It's completely disgusting. You degrade yourself as not only a human, but a person when you cheat. I've been cheated on, and am sorry to say that it's the single most painful experience I've....Experienced. But, we all learn, do we not?